Common issues for Osteopathy
Osteopathy can be used to address the following complaints and issues
All treatments are tailored and individual.
Joint pain
Lower & Upper back pain
Neck pain
Disc injuries
Sports injuries
Tennis Elbow
Chest complaints
Childhood problems.
Digestive disorders
General ill health
Headache and migraine - conditions arising from the neck
Period pain and irregularity
Recurrent infection

Regulation of Osteopathy
All Osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Osteopaths are required to renew their registration each year and we provide registrants with an annual licence to practise. As part of this process, the GOsC checks that Osteopaths have current professional indemnity insurance, remain in good health and of good character, and have met mandatory Continuing Professional Development requirements.
Protection of title
The title 'Osteopath' is protected by law. It is against the law for anyone to call themselves an Osteopath unless they are registered with the GOsC, which sets and promotes high standards of competency, conduct and safety. The GOsC can, and will, prosecute individuals who practise as osteopaths when they are not on the GOsC Register. For information about what to do if you think someone is practising as an Osteopath but is not on the Register, see our Protection of title page.
Further information
Visit the General Osteopathic Council website for more information on standards of practice, registration checks and helpful publications.
This information is reproduced by kind permission of the General Osteopathic Council